Q. |
What do I need to access the courses? |
A. |
You will need:- access to broadband internet and an email address |
Q. |
How much is the course and how can I pay? |
A. |
You can:-
1. Pay in full £475 total cost by BACS Transfer.
2. Or pay by 2 instalments over 2 months - each instalment of £250, total cost £500.
For options 2 when you enrol, you will be sent a standing order to present to your bank plus a contract whereby you agree to make all the payments.
When full payment or the standing order arrangements have been completed, and we have received your first payment Your account will be unlocked, you will have access to the course material and your Tutor will contact you. |
Q. |
How long will it take? |
A. |
You can proceed though the course at your own pace, there are no time constraints for you to deliver course work. It can be completed as quickly as 6 months. However, the full course must be completed within 24 months. |
Q. |
What will my qualification be on completion? |
A. |
On completion of the course, a British Display Society Certificate will be issued. This does not award any levels or UKAS points but will give you a qualification from the BDS, which is recognised and respected within the industry. You will also have the opportunity of applying for membership of the society, awarding an affix that acknowledges your professional standing. |
Q. |
What will I learn and what equipment will I need? |
A. |
This course will enable you to learn the basics of visual merchandising and display.
You will learn about how to arrange a presentation and group merchandise, how to select striking combinations of items, how to light them effectively and what you will need to do to enhance them with backgrounds, props and accessories.
The modules are designed to develop basic skills that will enable you to design and install displays that attract attention, communicate information and sell merchandise or services.
You will be able to complete each module in your own time then submit it for assessment, and, if judged to be of a good standard, you will progress to the next stage. After completion of a group of modules you will gain a credit which will go towards achieving a BDS qualification. It may not always be possible to complete all the modules in order as the practical sessions may take some time to arrange.
If you need help at any stage it will always be available by e-mail or telephone. To ensure that your work can be assessed in the most effective way it will be necessary for you to be connected to broadband internet, an e-mail address, a Microsoft Word compatible word processing programme, a digital camera, a scanner and equipment to enable virtual meetings. A small amount of other basic tools and equipment will be required, these will be listed as the course progresses. |
Q. |
When do I work with my Tutor? |
A. |
You will arrange Tutorial time that is convenient to both you and your Tutor. |
Q. |
How much does the Distance Learning Certificate in Display and Visual Merchandising Course cost? |
A. |
For both the DL1-2020 BDS Distance Learning Certificate in Display and Visual Merchandising and the DL2-2015 BDS Distance Learning Advanced Certificate in Display and Visual Merchandising
Option 1
£475.00 Pay by BACS: Please pay:
Metro Bank
Sort code: 23-05-80
Account number: 26963885
IBAN - GB60MYMB23058026963885
Swift/Bic: MYMBGB2L
Please will you advise us when you have arranged for the BACS transfer and give a payment reference so that we can track your payment
Option 2
£500 by 2 installments
The First Payment is £250.00 and then no more than 1 month later another £250.00 If you choose this option, a contract will be produced for you in response to your enrolment. |
Q. |
How will my work be marked and how may credits do I need to pass? |
A. |
Each module will graded with a Pass, Credit or Distinction totalling to the final mark of either a passing, pass with credit or pass with distinction. |
Q. |
What are the term times, when can I start? |
A. |
There are no term times. Each student starts the course, when payment is made, and then progresses at their own pace. There are no pressures to complete the modules at certain dates.
However, you will have a responsibility to meet the deadlines you choose to set with your local retailer for your window design instalments. However, we would expect you to complete the course within two years after which extra charges may apply. |
Q. |
If I should decide to quit the course can I have a refund? |
A. |
There is a 14 day period, from receipt of the introductory e-mail from your tutor, when you can request a refund and withdraw from the course. The BDS reserves the right to withhold a part of the refund to cover administrative costs and/or material delivered. |
Q. |
Which qualifications do I need to study this course? |
A. |
No qualifications are needed to study this course, but you do need an artistic flare, creativity and a good design ability. |
Q. |
Can you send me a prospectus? |
A. |
As this is an international distance learning course, this website is central to the course, therefore all the information is listed here. But if you have any specific questions please use the enquiry form and we will be happy to answer your question. |
Q. |
Can this course be used for in-house training? |
A. |
Yes, please contact us via the enquiry form, we will be pleased to discuss your requirements |
Q. |
What are the Terms and Conditions? |
A. |
Terms and Conditions
1. Your course lecturer will contact you immediately after either, a. full payment has been received, or b. a signed contract has been received agreeing to pay 2 consecutive monthly payments, along with the first payment. Your Login ID and password will be activated to allow you to download course material from the website to commence work with your Tutor as soon as payment has been received or the first instalment paid.
2. Full payment or all monthly payments must be completed by the student regardless of progress during the course, resignation or exclusion.
3. All the information, text and images supplied to the student as part of the course remain the property of the BDS and cannot be shared with any third party.
4. In compliance with the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000, a student can be reimbursed providing a claim is made within 14 days of payment or receipt of the first module material.
5. The BDS acts in compliance with the Consumer Protection (Distance Selling) Regulations 2000 |